Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rave Run

LOCATION: Nonopungo, Ecuador
PHOTOGRAPH BY: Lauren Thacker-Lynn
RUNNERS: Buster, Guayasamina, Lauren Thacker-Lynn
THE EXPERIENCE: The main road to the small Andean community of Nonopungo is a steady climb through thin air. The road is framed by a backdrop of Guagua Pichincha, an active volcano, and the Andean paramo. “The climb up can be a slog, but it’s worth the view while you fly down”, Lauren says.


  1. Wow, that's an amazing landscape, Lauren. How did you get that photo?

  2. That was my first thought...how DID you get that photo? Did you actually submit this to Runner's World? If not, would you mind if I did? Sure would love to do that run with you. We had a fantastic time climbing the incredibly steep hills of Vermont's northeast kingdom--on two wheels, not two legs! Hope you and Seth are having a great time! We'll try to call soon. Love you, Mom and Dad

  3. Luck and a camera timer...that's all it took!
